April 30, 2024
SMART CITY SERVICES INTERNATIONAL INC. of Orange County California US Announces Major Updates in Mexico
On April 29th, 2024, in Irvine, California, Mr. Sal Haro, Founder and President of SCSI Inc., announced the latest progress updates regarding the implementation of Smart City Services International technologies into public transit networks in Mexico City.
Mr. Haro confirmed that all key SCSI technology partners have signed multi-year agreements to create exclusive, multi-featured passenger security, convenience, and revenue accounting solutions for private passenger transit buses.
Furthermore, Mr. Haro stated that 2024 would mark the first year of introducing their unique product to their first transit customer, who operates 15,000 buses transporting millions of passengers daily. The first 1,000 bus installations are planned by all partners and continue with the goal of 15,000.
“Our featured solution will provide passenger counting to verify and confirm payments as passengers enter and exit buses,” said Mr. Haro. “Added features will provide passenger facial detection capture to provide safety and security from criminal and lost and found situations."
Moreover, the company will introduce a digital fare payment alternative choice with a multi-featured debit card provided by a major Mexican/USA bank, which is their partner. “These three features benefit the bus customer with reduced cash revenue loss, greater transit custom data capture, and comprehensive debit card benefits to both the bus company and regular passengers," added Mr. Haro.
SCSI also plans to provide contracted products and services advertising to transit riders'’ mobile phones, which will include mobile messaging to maintain transit customer loyalty programs and provide all sorts of road and safety alerts, shopper coupons, and general announcements.
Currently, SCSI's manufacturing partner is confirming the final costs and delivery timelines for the first 1000 to 3000 Transit Passenger Solutions, codenamed "Paloma."
In conclusion, Mr. Haro extends his and SCSI's partners' first-time invitation to all readers and investors. They are all invited to take advantage of "our first equity investment" offering of $500,000 to $1,000,000 USD to continue with the manufacturing and installation of the first transit buses.
"Revenue of monthly fees from the transit customer would commence with each installation completion," concludes Mr. Haro with thanks. For additional information and conferencing with Mr. Sal Haro:
CONTACT Alex Romanov at or call directly to 416 407 1035.
July 10, 2023
July 10, 2023. SCSI Inc. of Orange County California is pleased to announce that it has signed a basic contractual MOU with PALOMETRIX of Toronto Canada. The MOU grants worldwide Exclusive Licensing Rights to the PALOMA solution on a renewable 5-year contract basis perpetually.
SCSI will now proceed with patent applications for Mexico and other markets.
Sal Haro President of SCSI is pleased to announce " The acquisition of the exclusive rights to the codenamed PALOMA solution will enable SCSI to enhance minibus transit companies with passenger counting, security alerts, and increased passenger safety."
PALOMETRIX has developed the PALOMA solution exclusively with and to SCSI requirements to ensure accurate passenger counts and identify potential threats with sophisticated surveillance and alerts.
Both companies will continue to evolve and scale the technology and features to provide transit passengers comfort in security and greater profitability to transit system operators. Current revenue target is a fifteen thousand minibus network, the first step to provide safety and security to over twelve million transit passengers daily.
May 15, 2023
SCSI Introduces its Passenger Management Platform.
Paloma Passenger Management Platform
May 5, 2023
SCSI Solutions Enters into MOU with Palometrix Designs for Worldwide Paloma Licensing Exclusive.
SCSI Solutions has announced (May 5th. 2023) that the company has entered a Memorandum of Understanding with Palometrix Designs for exclusive licensing of the “Paloma” Passenger Management hardware and software to be used for the Lucky Ride Pay system. This will include all other SCSI Solutions customers and applications.
“Our current project is in Mexico, and we are especially pleased that Palometrix is eager to customize feature sets based on the needs of our other potential partners in Latin America” stated Sal Haro, President of SCSI.
The worldwide agreement is initially for 5 years with the first right to renew for each subsequent 5-year period. Licensing fees for additional features to be added, including device identification and proximity advertising will be negotiated separately, in addition to the first version.
Palometrix Designs, a creative tech developer startup located in the Toronto area will be delivering the initial production version of Paloma in early Q3-2023. Currently, working Paloma demo samples have been approved. Additional features will be added in Q4-2023. The robust base hardware of Paloma will be the foundation of many different versions of SCSI Solutions’ products, yielding a rewarding economy of scale.
Public transportation systems and passengers will benefit with time-saving convenience and greater passenger security.
April 28, 2023
SCSI Solutions Chooses Advanced Passenger Management Platform
SCSI Solutions has announced that they have chosen an all-in-one solution to serve the LuckyRide Pay program in Mexico. Codenamed “Paloma”, the initial demonstration unit from the developer and supplier Palometrix Designs, has delivered exceptional performance using a single, expandable hardware device. Currently, the high-speed passenger counting system accurately captures images of passengers and will interface to the payment terminal to correlate passengers to payments.
Paloma will add identification of smartphones and tablets to further monitor embarkation and disembarkation of passengers in the next software update expected in 90 days, followed by advertising and messaging to passengers’ and pedestrians’ smartphones. “Since this a powerful base platform, we plan to add many more capabilities as Paloma’s developers forge ahead” stated Sal Haro, President of SCSI, adding “We are especially pleased that Paloma also has substantial internal data storage so passenger images are kept private, and can be accessed by authorities if the need arises”.
With 12 million daily riders, Paloma will join Lucky Ride Pay terminals to be equipped in up to 15,000 microbuses in advance of imminent government mandates. Additional features are being explored with Paloma’s developers since the hardware has a capacity far beyond just passenger counting.
April 26th, 2022
SCSI and COMTEM Announce A Partnership
COMTEM, Beatriz Oviedo Periz, President (Coordination of Organizations for the Improvement of Transportation in the State of Mexico). She has 15,000 microbuses under her Leadership. Beatriz is the 1st woman to hold this position, which was passed down to her from her father who started the organization. Beatriz is honoring her father’s vision of someday providing a pre-payment fare system for his group. Beatriz’s goal for COMTEM is to migrate the group to digital- payment as soon as possible. Her support and partnership bring great value to SCSI and Lucky Ride Pay. This will be the beginning of transforming the public transportation industry in Mexico.
April 25th, 2022
Payolog and Smart City Services International (SCSI), Announce Transit Smart City Payments Industry Partnership
Payolog the payments expert and SCSI join forces to grow within the Transit Industry in Mexico, LATAM, and the United States.
Irvine, CA— Payolog, a global Payment and smart city solutions leader with its COREDotME v3.2 platform payment solution technologies announces expansion throughout the United States, Mexico, and Latin America with SCSI partnership.
Through this strategic partnership, Payolog and SCSI will join forces and collaborate on growing within the US, Mexico, and Latin America providing all their products and services together within the Private Transit Sector and the Government Transit Sector.
During the pandemic, we have all experienced the importance of everything contactless as well as contactless payments. This partnership will allow the expansion of the Payolog COREDotME v3.2 platform and SCSI will showcase solutions: smart-city and Transit, automated fare collection; mobile ticketing; event ticketing; POS/terminal management, and mobile city platforms.
“We are greatly pleased to partner with SCSI said Murat Guzel, CEO of Payolog. It’s quite clear that the payments industry globally, is looking for new affordable solutions to attract and retain their clients and customers. With SCSI, we believe we can reach to a more vertical network and grow our database.”
“We are very excited to partner with Payolog. With many years of experience, we have been fortunate to collaborate with excellent partners and achieve the goal of making life simple for everyone.
We have brought together leading technology companies with cutting-edge technology solutions and experience in the world of contactless card payments, mobile pay, and proximity marketing to help developing cities drive economic growth.” Said Sal Haro CEO of SCSI“We believe the best way to reach and support the growth of more and more payments industry players worldwide is to have a global presence with a more local approach. We have a great deal of experience and know-how within the transit industry and I believe this partnership will bring us together and support each other in the growth within this industry” said Gokhan Inonu CCO of Payolog.
'We have identified a great need in the transportation industries across Latin countries. The outdated technology in the cash transactions and data systems provides poor quality of services to the commuters. We strive to provide clients with the utmost quality of service and customized smart city solutions” said Dan Caballero from SCSI.